Friday 6 February 2009

Muttering to myself through a megaphone...

So as of Korea I've definitely become radicalized politically and sociologically, I'm just not quite sure how, as smug, faux-liberal Johnny-come-latelys like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann make me nearly as sick and angry as hateful lying cynics like Libaugh and Hannity.

Since Forty Minutes isn't really the forum for anything sincere or thoughtful, a general problem I see with the country which I'm going to address at some point as well, I figured I'd reactivate this website. Since perhaps 10 people even know about this site, and the last time any of them checked it was maybe April, I'll get a chance to put some stuff up and make sure none of it is too embarrassingly simpleminded once I put in on paper, as it were, before anyone else sees it.

Some things I've been thinking about, and will address later:

1. The fractiousness and self importance of liberals vs. the unity and goal orientation of the Republicans.

2. The elevation of ignorance, if not outright stupidity, to a virtue amongst the lower class, and everyone else's idolization of intelligence into the realm of magic.

3. The acceptance on the left of the fact that real tangible change is an impossibility, and that reality is here for our entertainment. i.e. Kucinich jokes, Kerry v. Dean, Nader "stealing" an election.

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